Eating our vegetables: Spicy Maple Roasted Brussels Sprouts

This weekend I realized that I’ve pretty much fallen off the wagon when it comes to eating healthy foods. I’ve been averaging about 0 to 0.5 servings of produce each day, which is not great, since I really enjoy being alive. Um. Anyway, in an effort to not be such a nutrition fail, we decided to cook up some leafy greens with our dinner tonight, in the form of roasted Brussels sprouts.

Like every other yuppie couple around, Boyfriend and I have recently discovered an ardent love for these cruciferous orbs of delight. We’ve made them a few times at home in the past with middling results– they’ve been edible but haven’t come close to being restaurant-caliber. However, that all changed tonight when I devised an extremely lazy version of this wonderful-sounding dish from TakePart. The original recipe looked great and all, but I had neither a shallot nor a fresh chile pepper, and I wasn’t about to go in search of either one. That would require grocery shopping!

Seriously though, don’t worry if you don’t have a shallot or a chile either. Who needs a classy recipe that uses fresh ingredients? Well, we all do. But whatever, because these Brussels sprouts, seasoned entirely with stuff that already happened to be in my pantry, were awesome. We tore through the whole pan’s worth in about 5 minutes; Boyfriend, ever the chivalrous gentleman, showed remarkable restraint and let me have the last one. (I tried to pretend like I didn’t really care about it that much, but OMG gimme.)

They taste 10,000 times better than they look.

Right before we attacked…

Spicy Maple Roasted Brussels Sprouts for Lazy People


  • Brussels sprouts, preferably fresh. Our supermarket sells ’em in a 10 oz package, or about 15 sprouts, which is perfect as a side dish for two or as the main course for a lonely vegetarian.

 I can’t really give you quantities for the rest of the ingredients because I didn’t measure anything. I just poured what looked like the right amount of oil and seasoned it all to taste. So… happy guessing. Sorry!

  • Extra virgin olive oil — I refuse to call it EVOO — enough to make a base to roll all y’alls brussels sprouts in
  • Maple syrup — the real stuff, not Aunt Jemima! — to taste
  • Black pepper, to taste
  • Sea salt, to taste
  • Garlic powder — and/or a minced clove of garlic, if you have it around — to taste
  • Red chili pepper flakes, to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 350.
  2. Mix all non-Brussels sprout ingredients in a small bowl; I actually used a ramekin.
  3. Remove stems and outer leaves from each Brussels sprout. Cut sprout in half; cut the monster ones into quarters if so desired. We did.
  4. Roll each sprout piece in the olive oil/maple syrup/spices mix until it’s thoroughly coated with delicious oily goodness. You can coat stray leaves in the stuff, too.
  5. Arrange sprouts flat-side down on baking sheet.
  6. Bake for 15-20 mins (longer, if you’ve got a ton of sprouts), flipping halfway through.
  7. Put all of the brussels sprouts in your face.
  8. Try not to be too sad when it’s all over.
No more Brussels sprouts.

The aftermath.

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